Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Back on the Bandwagon

Hello again! Remember me?

I can't believe I let this blog fall to the wayside for so long. I was really enjoying posting, and have gotten some really great responses from people. I was recently having a conversation with someone about PKU, which reinvigorated me to continue my blog.

It has been a busy six months (or so) since I have posted. I have worked on several cool music video projects, done some traveling... and I got married!

My wife and I tied the knot on August 9th, back home in Michigan, overlooking Lake St. Clair. We had an incredible day with our friends and family. After the wedding we celebrated our honeymoon in Cabo San Lucas! We stayed at an all-inclusive resort, relaxed by the beach and pool, and went on a sailing/snorkeling cruise!

The resort had a ton of great food options, but unfortunately so many temptations high in phe! If anyone reading this has travelled to an all-inclusive, I would love to hear how you managed your diet while staying there.

I will be sure to post again soon! Just wanted to send a quick update and let you know to keep an eye out for more soon!



  1. It's great to see you returning to the blog. You are a good writer and I've learned a lot from what you've shared!

  2. ?????? I have pku too. Do u have Facebook

  3. Hi Christoph: great to see you back at your blog!

  4. Nice, congrats! I hope to see more posts too. We just came back from Nashville for the Lifting the Limits for PKU which raised over $400k for PKU research.
