Saturday, January 24, 2015

Review: Bahlsen Azora Cookies

I thought I would feature another wonderful snack from my childhood. Unfortunately, I know these are not marketed in the US- but I am curious if anyone has tried anything similar to them?

These cookies are produced by the German company Bahlsen. Bahlsen manufactures many different types of cookies, and I have seen some of them in the shelves of American grocery stores. However, I have never seen their "Azora" cookies state-side.

Azoras were a frequent snack of mine when I was younger because they are relatively low in phe. They have slightly over one gram of protein per fifteen (!) cookies. Granted, the cookies are relatively small, but I don't think I've ever eaten fifteen in one sitting.

What makes these "Azora" cookies so unique is that they are orange flavored! It is a very subtle flavor that blends with a more traditional vanilla taste. As corny as it may sound, I think they taste like summer. The flavor is fresh and the texture of the cookies is very light and crispy. It has the crunch of a waffle cookie without becoming splintery in your mouth.

These cookies travelled with us all the time. It was an easy snack to take on the road. And since they were considered a "normal" food, 5-year old me did not feel self conscious about having to eat them!

I have looked into ordering them online, and a website that my mother uses to buy German products online features them. At the very moment they are listed as out of stock- but hopefully they will come back soon!

1 comment:

  1. Reguarding your diet, and what you can/can't have, do you use the site
