Friday, January 16, 2015

Review: Cambrooke Apple Breakfast Bars

So, one feature I have wanted to include on my blog is a review of PKU foods that I have tried. Sometimes they can be a little... interesting. But every now and then I come across some that I find delicious!

For my first review, I am going to feature the Apple Breakfast Bars made by the dietary food company Cambrooke Foods. I discovered these a few months ago, and I now I make sure I always have some in the freezer.

The breakfast bars come in packages of four, are individually wrapped and kept frozen. It is very simple to prepare one. You simply have to take it out of the package, put it on a microwave safe plate, and defrost for about a minute and a half. After it has cooled for about a minute, it is ready to eat!

The breakfast bar is essentially an apple turnover. It consists of a pastry-style shell which is dusted with cinnamon, and filled with an apple filling. The taste is very good! The warm apple is a really comforting taste, and the light cinnamon on top adds a great accent. 

The one down side of this food is the "pastry-style" shell. It's not quite as flaky as one would expect a turnover to be. And since I heat it up in the microwave, it rides the fine line between being soft and being chewy. 

One big plus for this, however, is how incredibly convenient it is. Preparation takes about two minutes, and the bars can be eaten on the go. Since they come frozen, they keep a very long time as well. This is the type of food that can be taken to work, traveling, and virtually anywhere you can find a microwave.

Overall, I would highly recommend this breakfast bar. The taste of the turnover is excellent, and the convenience of it far outweighs the less-than-perfect "pastry" shell.


  1. We attended a PKU food fair the other month here in Buffalo. I tired the raviolis ....probably the worst thing I've ever tired! So gross. On the flip side, I tired the low protein waffles and I think they were better than any other pre-packaged waffles I've ever had.

  2. I've tried those raviolis too- they are disgusting!

    There are some surprisingly tasty PKU food out there though. I hope to find and feature some on my blog. A lot of them are trial and error- they may sound delicious, but in actuality... lol!

  3. Better to blanch the ravioli then fry like a perogy then they aren't too bad.

  4. Better to blanch the ravioli then fry like a perogy then they aren't too bad.
