Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Review: Choquitos (Olé!)

For my next review, I thought I would feature a PKU food that I LOVED growing up! For those of you who don't know, I spent the first decade or so of my life in Europe. Now, Europe has some great products for a PKU friendly diet. Unfortunately, I have yet to find these treats stateside- kudos to anyone who may have some insight on how to get them sent to me in Cali!

Choquitos (manufactured by Taranis) look like rectangular chocolate truffles and come wrapped in festive metallic paper. As you can see above, they come in bags of twenty and are a great treat to keep in the cupboard! They are, however, not truffles- the center of the chocolate is filled with sweet, soft, and chewy nougat! They are specifically made for us who are following a low phe diet. Each nougat has about 11 mg of phe.

From a visual standpoint, these are great. The wrapping is fun and very easy to open- they twist just like a Jolly Rancher. The actual chocolate itself looks like a homemade truffle candy. If you ever go to a Kilwin's (anyone from the Midwest...?) these Choquitos look like they could be found on the shelves there. They are very transportable- perfect to stick in your kid's lunch!

The taste and texture of the Choquits are great as well. Again, they are not truffles, so they are soft and chewy- almost the texture of a caramel. It tastes sweet in the way that a marshmallow is sweet. Not sugary like a lollipop, but more understated. The chocolate shell is very thin and provides for a very light crack as you bite into the candy.

I can't begin to tell you how many happy memories I have of eating these as a kid. Inside the wrapper is a small paper comic, which I loved to look at as I ate my candy. This was one of those "special" PKU foods that I was happy to eat, and didn't mind other people watch me eat because I knew they were jealous. ;)

I can't figure out how these have not made their way stateside yet. If any of you reading this work for Cambrooke or Nutricia- *hint hint!* I think these would sell like hotcakes out here!

Thanks y'all for reading!

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